THE PIZzicato effect

Piano Project is proud to be supporting Pizzicato Effect Incorporated. Started in 2009 by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, the Pizzicato Effect is a community program providing free string instrumental and musicianship tuition to children in the City of Hume. In 2023, the program became an incorporated organisation, with a plan to continue as an independent entity. Piano Project is delighted to be supporting them in their new chapter, we accept donations on their behalf and assist with administrative support for the program, allowing Pizzicato Effect Incorporated to concentrate on delivering its wonderful musical program.

If you would like to make a donation to support the Pizzicato Effect you can do so via the link below.

If you would prefer make a donation using a direct bank transfer, here are the bank details:
Piano Project Public Fund
BSB: 033120
Acc: 380993
Please put ‘For Pizzi’(or something similar) on the description/reference of your transfer. And please also email us at, so that we can send you your receipt.


The goals of the Pizzicato Effect are:
- to provide access to high quality musical instruction to young people and their communities in the Hume Region of Victoria without cost as a barrier to participation
- To provide a safe, positive, high-aspiring and inclusive learning environment that promotes engagement with school and community life
- To promote the social development of young people and their communities through musical accomplishment

The program follows the principles espoused by the El Sistema approach including:
- social transformation through musical excellence
- ensemble approach – a commitment to group learning
- frequency – students meet multiple times per week over an extended period
- accessibility – programs are free and not selective in admission
- connectivity – the program aims to provide opportunities for students and build connections with other programs in the community



Hume City Council, Cybec Foundation

Sponsorship of student places

Melbourne String Ensemble

Instruments:Donations and Repairs

Alex Grant Violins, Ashby Corrigan, Bows for Strings, Carolyn Baker, Marianne Rothschild, Stephen Fair.

Instruments: Storage

Ian Coleman


Gladstone Park Secondary School

Contributions to the annual fundraiser for Pizzi 2024:

Mario  M Anders, Artmann Handyman, William Burke, Michael Dawe, Elizabeth Day, Ellen Day, Howard Dick, Judith Durston, Naomi Durston, Julianne East, Kingsley Gee, Roderick Gregory, Susan Guinane, Angela Hill, Kathryn Hill, Tatiana Hitchen, Trish Hough, Zoe Johnson, Georgina Imberger, Anne Kay, Stephanie MacArthur, Jane Keech, Mary Kennedy-Jones, Georgina Lewis, Thomas Lumley, Marla Martin-Andrews, Shannon McIntosh, David Murray-Smith, Alex Owens, Picnic Foods (Sahara), Jocelyn Ridley, Anna Robinson, Rubato Upstairs, Ely Ruttico, Andrew Ryan, Chloe Sanger, Emily Salkeld, Judy Sederof, Tempo Rubato, Barbara Wake, Sarina Walter, Elizabeth Williams, Moyna Wilson, Alpha Yap and 4 anonymous donors. 

And everyone else who has made a donation :)